Rabbit with a name tag.

Rabbit Name Generator

Unique, trending, or classic? Get the best rabbit names right here.

How To Use Our Rabbit Name Generator?

Our rabbit name generator is a free tool that suggests thousands of names starting from A to Z. You can sort by gender, theme, or everything at once. 

It’s a simple tool that allows you to search for the perfect name for your rabbit as many times as you want. Just choose the gender of your pet, select your desired theme, and click “GENERATE NAME.”

Our rabbit name generator will suggest a random name based on the selected option. If it doesn’t suit your taste, click “GENERATE NAME” again and it will suggest a different name. Keep generating until you find the name of your choice!

Why are Rabbit Names Important?

Adopting or owning a rabbit is easy, but bearing the responsibilities of having a rabbit can be challenging and difficult.

Preparing and providing your rabbit with basic necessities such as a comfortable hutch, healthy food, and other supplies should be your first priority! Choosing an easy and creative rabbit name for your new little friend should be secondary but still important.

Contrary to the popular belief that rabbits are dumb and cannot be trained, rabbits are actually capable of learning basic commands just like dogs. Naming them helps them learn tricks and commands.

It’s important to name your rabbit as soon as you adopt them to develop the habit of calling them by their name. This helps them to understand and follow your commands easily during any training sessions or obedience classes.

Tips When Choosing Your rabbit’s Name.

Although choosing a rabbit name is totally up to you and purely your preference, it can be difficult to find the perfect rabbit name.

To help you with unique rabbit name ideas, here are some tips to help you choose the perfect rabbit name for your companion.

  1. Choose a short but creative name that your rabbit and others will love.
  2. Do not confuse your rabbit by changing its name quite often.
  3. When choosing a name for your rabbit, it’s best to pick those that contain hard consonants such as “T” and “K,” which are easy to distinguish for your rabbit.
  4. When you’ve chosen the perfect name for your rabbit, call them as much as you can by their name.
  5. Some rabbit owners prefer funny names over boring, logical names, but make sure the name doesn’t sound insulting or abusive to your rabbit.

We have compiled our top names lists from the thousands of rabbit names submitted to us each week… and here are the top 10 male and female rabbit names.

  1. Thumper
  2. Oreo
  3. King Carrot
  4. Thalia
  5. Bunbun
  1. Yoda
  2. Biscuit
  3. Daisy
  4. Bonnie
  5. Cinnabun

Want to feature your rabbit in this list? Comment down below and tell us your rabbit’s name so we can add them to our database!

We have compiled our lists from the thousands of rabbit names submitted to us each week… and here are the lists of male and female rabbit names.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z


  1. Aphrodite
  2. Athena
  3. Astrild
  4. Aurora
  5. Andromeda
  6. Aura
  7. Althea
  8. Asia
  9. Apollo
  10. Ares
  11. Annabelle
  12. Aladdin
  13. Alfalfa
  14. Abracadabra
  15. Amber
  16. Anna
  17. Annie Parsley
  18. Alaska Palomino
  19. Athena Coniglio
  20. Almanzo Enderby
  21. Apple Rabbit
  22. Apple Noodles
  23. Anabelle Hazi
  24. Archie Konijn
  25. Athena Potter
  26. Aaliyah
  27. Anti
  28. Apollo Marshmallow
  29. Arya Lop
  30. Athena Chinsworth
  31. Ace Hazi
  32. Aspen
  33. Augustus
  1. Acer
  2. Alexandra
  3. Alexandrea
  4. August
  5. Angel
  6. Arnold
  7. Asterix
  8. Audelia
  9. Atlas
  10. Autumn
  11. Abel
  12. Alibi
  13. Ace
  14. April
  15. Ariel
  16. Alex
  17. Adelina
  18. Alice
  19. Amore
  20. Annie
  21. Abigail
  22. Angelina
  23. Adriana
  24. Aberdeen
  25. Alesea
  26. Adagio
  27. Abbie
  28. Adele
  29. Alli
  30. Angelica
  31. Amorette
  32. Able
  33. Amy


  1. Bragi
  2. Bugs Bunny
  3. Barbie
  4. Butterscotch
  5. Bonnie
  6. Buster
  7. Babe
  8. Biscuit
  9. Bingo
  10. Boi
  11. Bunnyman
  12. Bunbun
  13. Bon Bon
  14. Butterfingers
  15. Boomer
  16. Blackberry
  17. Buttercup
  18. Basil Dutchington
  19. Benji Harlequin
  20. Bree Bunny
  21. Buffy Chinsworth
  22. Berry Noodles
  23. Bailey McWhiskers
  24. Basil Konijntje
  25. Biscotti Dutchington
  26. Biscotti Whiskers
  27. Bean Hazi
  28. Bonnie Whiskers
  29. Basil Marshmallow
  30. BunBun Chinnington
  31. Bear Lepus
  32. Bounty Konijntje
  33. Buttons Karrotz
  34. Barley Noodles
  35. Bernadette Potter
  36. Bernadette Bunny
  37. Balsam
  38. Bean
  39. Bojangles
  40. Bacardi
  41. Babs
  42. Blanket
  43. Bambi
  44. Brutus
  45. Blink
  46. Bailey
  47. Bella
  48. Belvedere
  1. Bigwig
  2. Blu
  3. Booboo
  4. Brando
  5. Bubbles
  6. Buddy
  7. Bugs
  8. Bugszedo
  9. Bun
  10. Bunny
  11. Bunzy
  12. Buttons
  13. Buttercup McWiggles
  14. Bess Lop
  15. Bree Rex
  16. Buffy Flopsworth
  17. Bun Jovi Konijntje
  18. Bluna Noodles
  19. Bluna Bunny
  20. Boefje Potter
  21. Baby
  22. Bartholomew
  23. Brownie
  24. Busker
  25. Belle
  26. Blanco
  27. Bam bam
  28. Bindi
  29. Big Mama
  30. Barley
  31. Beatrice
  32. Bryani
  33. Butter
  34. Betty
  35. Bertha
  36. Bruce
  37. Bessy
  38. Boy
  39. Boo Boo
  40. Brandi
  41. Britannia
  42. Bonita
  43. Beauty
  44. Button
  45. Beefeater
  46. Bianca
  47. Bunkin


  1. Ceres
  2. Calypso
  3. Cassandra
  4. Cassiopeia
  5. Cynthia
  6. Cybele
  7. Cronus
  8. Castor
  9. Cinderella
  10. Cupid
  11. Chubby
  12. Carrot Lord
  13. Cinnabun
  14. Carrotmuncher
  15. Cinnamon
  16. Cherry
  17. Coco
  18. Chatterly Conillet
  19. Charlie Kani
  20. Cara Whiskers
  21. Caspar Hazi
  22. Cinnamon Enderby
  23. Cocoa Puff Noodles
  24. Chip Elfin
  25. Curry Dwarfington
  26. Cato Parsley
  27. Cassandra Conejo
  28. Casey
  29. Chica
  30. Croissant
  31. Clooney
  32. Checker
  33. Clancy
  34. Cosmic
  35. Caramel
  36. Charlotte
  37. Cedric
  38. Charlie
  39. Clover
  40. Cooper
  41. Cottential
  42. Cricket
  43. Caliou Marshmallow
  44. Munchington
  1. Candy McWhiskers
  2. Cricket Lop
  3. Chewbacca Konijn
  4. Chester Hare
  5. Connie Parsley
  6. Candy Lovebug
  7. Clyde Leone
  8. CousCous McWiggles
  9. Cinder Hopman
  10. Calypso Bink
  11. Cookie
  12. Chantilly
  13. Celie
  14. Chloe
  15. Calvin
  16. Collin
  17. Charity
  18. Cotton
  19. Claret
  20. Clementine
  21. Cherub
  22. Chelsie
  23. Charmin
  24. Claudelle
  25. Cuddles
  26. Cheri
  27. Cottonball
  28. Chic
  29. Charm
  30. Colette
  31. Cayenne
  32. Cassie
  33. Camembert
  34. Cadet
  35. Chilli
  36. Chocolate
  37. Coral
  38. Calia
  39. Claudia
  40. Cocoa
  41. Cadi
  42. Chichi
  43. Countess


  1. Daphne
  2. Dexter
  3. Dory
  4. Daisy
  5. Darth Vader
  6. Dude
  7. Donald Trump
  8. Dustin Rex
  9. Dumbledore McWiggles
  10. Daphne Holland
  11. Donut
  12. Dirty
  13. Diana
  14. Duckie
  15. Dingo
  16. Delilah
  17. Doc
  18. Drama
  19. Dustin
  20. Duke
  21. Dank
  1. Daffodil
  2. Delta
  3. Digger
  4. Dottie
  5. Dusty
  6. Dylan
  7. Darcy Fuzzybottom
  8. Dash Bean
  9. Dustin Palomino
  10. Digger Cottontail
  11. Dumpling Hopman
  12. Dixie
  13. Diva
  14. Darcey
  15. Destiny
  16. Diamond
  17. Dani
  18. Demi
  19. Dahlia
  20. Dutchess
  21. Darla


  1. Echo
  2. Eos
  3. Electra
  4. Eudora
  5. Europa
  6. Eros
  7. Ella
  8. Einstein
  9. Energizer
  10. Ernie Coniglio
  11. Elma Lovebug
  12. Enya
  13. Egg Roll
  1. Earl
  2. Else
  3. Elvis
  4. Eve
  5. Evie
  6. Elfie
  7. Elsa
  8. Erlene
  9. Emmy
  10. Emma
  11. Evangeline
  12. Elvira


  1. Foresti
  2. Frodo
  3. Fluffytail
  4. Fuzzytail
  5. Fudge
  6. Fanta Chinsworth
  7. Flora Haas
  8. Fudge Hare
  9. Fernando Karrotz
  10. Finn
  11. Fisher
  12. Fancy
  13. Finnegan
  14. Fig
  15. Feather
  16. Flopsy
  17. Flow
  18. Flower
  19. Fluffy
  20. Finola
  21. Fiona
  22. Foggy
  23. Fiver
  24. Freddy
  1. Frizzy Rex
  2. Fez Noodles
  3. Frenchie Cottontail
  4. Frenchie McWiggles
  5. Frodo Bun
  6. Frizzy Zeka
  7. Fuzzle Fluffington
  8. Frodo Fluffington
  9. Fuzzball Elfin
  10. Fonzie Holland
  11. Fanny Dwarfington
  12. Furby
  13. Felicity
  14. Farrah
  15. Fara
  16. Faith
  17. Foo Foo
  18. Frankie
  19. Friskie
  20. Flip-Flop
  21. Fluffer
  22. Florence


  1. Goofy
  2. Goldilocks
  3. Gigi
  4. Gatsby
  5. Gandalf
  6. Gandhi
  7. Ginger
  8. Georgie Flopsworth
  9. Grumpy Lovebug
  10. Gilligan Hopman
  11. Granny Enderby
  12. Gracie Coello
  13. Gummy
  14. Grunt
  15. General
  16. Gizmo
  17. Goliath
  18. Grumpy Chinsworth
  19. Godwin Harington
  1. Gia Bink
  2. Gulliver Holland
  3. Ginger Lepus
  4. Gringo
  5. Goblin
  6. Genevere
  7. Gugu
  8. Ginny
  9. Gavina
  10. Godiva
  11. Gypsy
  12. Gidget
  13. Grendel
  14. Gouda
  15. Grace
  16. Gracie
  17. Gertie


  1. Hera
  2. Hades
  3. Hermes
  4. Herakles
  5. Heimdall
  6. Hermione
  7. Han Solo
  8. Harvey
  9. Harry
  10. Hazel
  11. Hershey
  12. Honey
  13. Huckleberry Hopper
  14. Houdini Hopper
  15. Hoppy Lop
  16. Hemingway Bunny
  17. Houston
  18. Happy
  19. Hardy
  20. Harey
  1. Hattie
  2. Hocus Pocus
  3. Homey
  4. Hopper
  5. Hoss
  6. Houdini Bunny
  7. Herbie Bear
  8. Harriet Hazi
  9. Humphrey Kani
  10. Hamlet
  11. Hilary
  12. Heidie
  13. Hissy
  14. Herbie
  15. Harley
  16. Halo
  17. Hector
  18. Heidi
  19. Hayley


  1. Irene
  2. Iris
  3. Icarus
  4. Itchy
  1. Illusion
  2. Izzy
  3. Indie
  4. Ivy


  1. Jasper
  2. Jax Elfin
  3. Jasper Haas
  4. Jasper Hare
  5. Jelly Bean Hazi
  6. Jet Lop
  7. Jaws
  8. Jumbo
  9. Julius
  10. Jacques
  11. Jax
  12. Jack
  13. Jessica
  14. Jack Hopper
  15. Jasper Eisenhopper
  1. Jasper Kani
  2. Jolie
  3. Jackie O
  4. June Bug
  5. Jaycee
  6. Juniper
  7. Justine
  8. Juya
  9. Jinxy
  10. Julia
  11. Jerri
  12. Jipsee
  13. Jemima
  14. Juliet


  1. Kong
  2. Killer
  3. King Carrot
  4. Karen
  5. KitKat
  6. Kirby Noodles
  7. Kamikaze
  8. Keller
  9. Khan
  10. Kylie
  11. Koko
  1. Kip
  2. Kiko Munchington
  3. Kirby Coniglio
  4. Kiki Coello
  5. Kokomo
  6. Kiki
  7. Kelly
  8. Kava
  9. Kenzie


  1. Luna
  2. Loki
  3. Lovebug
  4. Lucy Conejo
  5. Lucky Rabbit
  6. Lavender Nibbler
  7. Latte
  8. Lee
  9. Logic
  10. Lego
  11. Lava
  12. Linux
  13. Larry
  14. Lilah
  15. Lily
  16. Lionzey
  17. Lola
  1. Lucy
  2. Lunar
  3. Lucky Plush
  4. Lucy Bean
  5. Lady
  6. Lady Luv
  7. Lilac
  8. Licorice
  9. Little Bit
  10. Lena
  11. Lotte
  12. Layla
  13. Lilli
  14. Lacey
  15. Lexus
  16. Lulu


  1. Morpheus
  2. Mystique
  3. Madonna
  4. Matilda
  5. Marshmallow
  6. Moneypenny
  7. Maisy Enderby
  8. Maggie Enderby
  9. Minty Parsley
  10. Munster Havana
  11. Muskrat Conejo
  12. Muffin Holland
  13. Mo
  14. Monster
  15. Mash
  16. Moxie
  17. Milhouse
  18. Mullet
  19. Meeko
  20. Magus
  21. Maddie
  22. Milky
  23. Meatball
  24. Maple
  25. Metal
  26. Maggie
  27. Mae
  28. Minnie
  29. Miranda
  30. Miss Tater Bug
  31. Misty
  1. Molly
  2. Mopsy
  3. Minty Pupu
  4. Muffy Nijntje
  5. Marley Snuffles
  6. Maisy Harlequin
  7. Maisy Fluffington
  8. Mia Nibbler
  9. Myrtle Palomino
  10. Muffin
  11. McFluffy
  12. Marigold
  13. Moses
  14. Marilyn
  15. Mittens
  16. Murphy
  17. Morgan
  18. Margie
  19. Marquita
  20. Mya
  21. Maybelline
  22. Meatloaf
  23. Maggi
  24. Medley
  25. Mona
  26. Magdalina
  27. Miss Muffet
  28. Majesty
  29. Milly


  1. Nyx
  2. Nemo
  3. Nibblesworth
  4. Nutmeg
  5. Noodle
  6. Nutmeg McWiggles
  7. Norbert Harlequin
  8. Nora Chinnington
  9. Noodles McWiggles
  10. Noodles Snuffles
  11. Nixon
  12. Norman
  13. Nero
  14. Noah
  15. Nibbler Harington
  1. Nigel McWhiskers
  2. Natali
  3. Noodles
  4. Neddy
  5. Naomi
  6. Noelle
  7. Noni
  8. Nana
  9. Nathan
  10. Nibbles
  11. Natalie
  12. Noodle Bug
  13. Niza


  1. Odin
  2. Oreo
  3. Orlando Coniglio
  4. Ollie
  5. Outlaw
  6. Orchid
  7. Olaf
  8. Oswald
  9. Onion
  10. Olive
  1. Oliver
  2. Oscar
  3. Ozil
  4. Olli Eisenhopper
  5. Ozwald
  6. Obelix
  7. Orlando
  8. Olivier
  9. Oasis


  1. Pandora
  2. Pan
  3. Perseus
  4. Poseidon
  5. Penelope
  6. Princess
  7. Picasso
  8. Pikachu
  9. Penguin
  10. Peanut Butter
  11. Polka Dot
  12. Peanut
  13. Pepper
  14. Pickle
  15. Popcorn
  16. Pumpkin
  17. Pixie Enderby
  18. Princess Conillet
  19. Pandora Hazi
  20. Pudding Chatterly
  21. Peach Konijn
  22. Penny Chinsworth
  23. Puffy Conejo
  24. Pengwin Hare
  25. Penny Haas
  26. Percy Cottontail
  27. Peewee
  28. Penny
  29. Polo
  1. Percy
  2. Pierce
  3. Pipsy
  4. Page
  5. Panda
  6. Peter
  7. Podrick
  8. Potacho
  9. Penny Bean
  10. Panda Hopper
  11. Princess Harlequin
  12. Pansy
  13. Phebe
  14. Pacino
  15. Peaches
  16. Peachy
  17. Petunia
  18. Precious
  19. Patches
  20. Pebbles
  21. Petra
  22. Pablo
  23. Peapod
  24. Pups
  25. Polly
  26. Paprika
  27. Pip


  1. Quincy Rex
  2. Quincy Harlequin
  1. Queen
  2. Quincy


  1. Roger Rabbit
  2. Roxy
  3. Raspberry
  4. Rupert Bun
  5. Raika Konijn
  6. Roxy Marshmallow
  7. Rory Haas
  8. Roo Coello
  9. Randall Leone
  10. Rage
  11. Rainbow
  12. Radar
  13. Rose
  14. Roach
  15. Reverb
  16. Rebel
  17. Rolo
  18. Rambo
  19. Rosy Nibbler
  20. Rory Plush
  1. Raika Parsley
  2. Ralphie Hare
  3. Ronnie
  4. Radiance
  5. Roni
  6. Rosetta
  7. Ruffles
  8. Rufus
  9. Ruth
  10. Rossini
  11. Roxy Or Roxie
  12. Reba
  13. Remi
  14. Royal
  15. Roxanne
  16. Rosebud
  17. Renee
  18. Rusty


  1. Selene
  2. Stuart
  3. Stewart Little
  4. Snoopy
  5. Snow White
  6. Summer
  7. Stella
  8. Sherlock
  9. Skywalker
  10. Stitch
  11. Smoochie
  12. Sparkletoes
  13. Salt
  14. Salt and Pepper
  15. Sesame
  16. Strawberry
  17. Sheldon Bean
  18. Selma Rex
  19. Scooter Eisenhopper
  20. Scooter McWiggles
  21. Sweetie Bink
  22. Sheldon Konijntje
  23. Sissi Lovebug
  24. Snickers Holland
  25. Spectral
  26. Seinfeld
  27. Smooch
  28. Sid
  29. Scout
  30. Spade
  31. Sweets
  32. Sneaker
  33. Samson
  34. Sonic
  35. Surge
  36. Shakespeare
  37. Sigmund
  38. Squeek
  39. Speedy
  40. Shadow
  41. Soy
  42. Silk
  43. Sausage
  44. Socks
  45. Sally
  46. Saphie
  47. Serenity
  48. Sherman
  49. Smokey
  50. Snowball
  51. Snowy
  1. Suki
  2. Sunny
  3. Sunshine
  4. Scooter Fluffington
  5. Sherlock Chatterly
  6. Stiffler Marshmallow
  7. Suzie Q Chinnington
  8. Snickers Haas
  9. Sheldon Pupu
  10. Sylvester Rabbit
  11. Shirley Harlequin
  12. Simba Konijn
  13. Saturn Elfin
  14. Socrates
  15. Spazzy
  16. Suga
  17. Sahara
  18. Selena
  19. Solomon
  20. Snuffy
  21. Snickers
  22. Spades
  23. Scampi
  24. Suzi
  25. Sandie
  26. Skyler
  27. Shawnee
  28. Scarlett
  29. Stripe
  30. Semadar
  31. Starbuck
  32. Sorbet
  33. Sam
  34. Sophie
  35. Salty
  36. Spot
  37. Snowflake
  38. Sophia
  39. Symphony
  40. Sammy
  41. Sparkles
  42. Suzie Q
  43. Sweetie Pie
  44. Shona
  45. Sweetpea
  46. Skittles
  47. Sassy
  48. Sephora
  49. Sofia
  50. Sierra


  1. Thalia
  2. Thor
  3. Tyr
  4. Tiki
  5. Tarzan
  6. Tinkerbell
  7. Tony Stark
  8. Twinkie
  9. Twinkle Lop
  10. Tootsie Nibbler
  11. Tweetie Holland
  12. Tilda Eisenhopper
  13. Tulip Lovebug
  14. Tart Rex
  15. Timothy Harington
  16. Tibby Hopman
  17. Toots
  18. Thunder
  19. Tico
  20. Talon
  21. Tiana
  22. Thumper
  23. ThunderGun
  24. Toffee
  1. Trixie
  2. Tulip
  3. Tabitha Potter
  4. Tater Plush
  5. Tintin McWiggles
  6. Trudy Parsley
  7. Tart Rabbit
  8. Tigger McWhiskers
  9. Tammy
  10. Tomba
  11. Tottie
  12. Tabitha
  13. Talia
  14. Tweetie Pie
  15. Tinker Bell
  16. Tinsel
  17. Truffle
  18. Thumbelina
  19. Tricky
  20. Tweety
  21. Tiddle
  22. Tiffanie


  1. Unicorn
  1. Uno


  1. Viking
  2. Vanilla Whiskers
  3. Victor
  4. Vader
  5. Valentine
  6. Vegas
  1. Volt
  2. Vito Marshmallow
  3. Vanilla
  4. Val
  5. Velvet


  1. Wonka
  2. Winnie
  3. Wanda
  4. Waldo
  5. Wonder Bunny
  6. Wigglenose
  7. Walter Leone
  8. Winston Plush
  9. Wiggles
  10. Wizard
  1. Whiskers
  2. Wilbur
  3. Wilma
  4. Wolf
  5. Whoopie
  6. Willow
  7. Walnut
  8. Wendy
  9. Whisky


  1. Xena McWhiskers
  2. Xena
  3. X-ray


  1. Yoda


  1. Zorro
  2. Zora Parsley
  3. Zeus Coniglio
  4. Zeus Lovebug
  5. Ziggy Chinnington
  6. Ziggy
  1. Zeus
  2. Zizi
  3. Zoe
  4. Zagato Plush
  5. Zola
  6. Zia Marie

9 Rabbit Name Generator