Can Rabbits Eat Cucumbers? Here’s Why.

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Last Updated on March 16, 2023 by Marjon Ramos

Quick Facts About Cucumbers:

  • Scientific name – Cucumis sativus
  • Also known as – Pepino, Cetriolo, Gherkin, Gurke, Krastavac, Concombre, Hunggua, Kiukaba, Khira, Kiukamupa, and Kukamba.
  • Origin – India
  • Most commonly found in Spain, Mexico, and the Netherlands.
  • Average weight – 400g

Cucumbers are safe for rabbits to eat as long as your rabbit is old enough (at least 7 months old) and you’re only giving cucumbers in moderation (1-2 times per week).

The only way cucumbers could harm your rabbits is if they are eating cucumbers in lieu of hay.

The lack of fiber and the high water content of cucumbers are what would eventually lead to dangerous digestive distress.

Now that I’ve given you the gist of the article, read on as I explain in more detail why rabbits can eat cucumbers:

Do rabbits like eating cucumbers?

Yes, rabbits like to eat cucumbers and would eat them if you gave them some.

In my case, both my rabbits, Tyr and Freya, would get excited if I gave them a slice of cucumber.

We’ve also asked a few rabbit owners and breeders if they ever fed cucumbers to their rabbits.

All of them reported giving cucumbers in reasonable amounts.

Are cucumbers safe to be eaten by rabbits?

Cucumbers are technically a fruit with a low sugar content.

That means it’s okay and safe to be given to rabbits as long as you only give it in moderation, 1-2 times per week, and you base the amount you give on their weight.

The only way cucumbers could harm your rabbits is if you give them to young rabbits or if you give them too much.

What are the benefits of feeding cucumbers to rabbits?

To properly understand the benefits of feeding cucumbers to your rabbits, let’s first take a look at how much and what nutrients your rabbits are getting when you feed them cucumbers.

This tool would also tell you if the amount you’re giving your rabbit is within the nutritional constraint.

You can also click on the blue icon beside the nutrient to see its benefits and deficiency:

Nutrient Constrain Calculator For Rabbits


Although cucumbers have these benefits, overfeeding your rabbit is not recommended. This is only to inform you of the different vitamins and minerals your rabbit can get when you give them cucumbers.

As you can see from the nutrient constrain calculator above, cucumbers contain very few nutrients to benefit a rabbit.

But, as an occasional treat, having low nutrients is okay because you don’t want to rely on treats to meet any nutritional requirements anyway.

Are cucumbers good for rabbits?

Cucumbers are not good to be given to rabbits in large amounts due to the high water content and starch content of cucumbers.

They should only be considered as a treat.

Overfeeding cucumbers to rabbits is dangerous and would eventually lead to digestive distress, especially in young rabbits who are susceptible to it.

How many cucumbers can a rabbit eat?

The amount of cucumber you’re allowed to give to your rabbits will depend on their weight and age.

You can use this diet portion calculator for rabbits to determine if your rabbit is old enough to eat cucumbers as treats or how many treats to give based on your rabbit’s weight:

Diet Portion Calculator For Rabbits

If you don’t know your rabbit’s weight, you can use this table, which shows the average weight of rabbits based on their breed and how much cucumber to give:

Rabbit’s weight based on breedAllowed cucumbers 2 times per week
Small breed (1.1–3.5 pounds)1 teaspoon
Medium breed (6 to 10 pounds)1-2 tablespoon
Large breed ( 9 and 12 pounds)2-3 tablespoon
Source: Patry, Karen, et al. The Rabbit-Raising Problem Solver: Your Questions Answered about Housing, Feeding, Behavior, Health Care, Breeding, and Kindling. Storey Publishing, 2014.

At what age can rabbits eat cucumbers?

The table above only accounts for the weight of your rabbits.

Another important factor when deciding how much cucumber to give your rabbits is their age.

Here’s a table to help you decide at what age and how much cucumber you can give your rabbits as they get older:

7 weeks to
7 months
7 months
to 1 year
No more than 1-2
oz (30-60g) per 6
lbs (2.7 kg) BW
(1-5 y)
No more than 2
tbsp per 6 lbs (2.7
kg) BW
(>6 y)
Talk to your veterinarian for a more specialized diet.
Source: Basic-Rabbit-Care

When should you not feed cucumbers to rabbits?


Stop giving cucumbers to rabbits that you suspect of having any digestive distress.

The proper protocol when you notice any changes in your rabbit’s stool or if you suspect your rabbits are having digestive problems is to remove any other food in their diet, except hay, and bring them to a veterinarian.

This would ensure that your rabbit is getting enough fiber in their diet, which treats like cucumbers could never provide alone.

Risk of overfeeding cucumbers to rabbits.

The risk of giving cucumbers to rabbits is mostly due to rabbit owners’ overfeeding cucumbers in lieu of hay.

This lack of fiber is what eventually leads to problems.

Here are the most common problems when rabbit owners overfeed cucumbers to their rabbits:

  • Gastrointestinal Stasis: Overfeeding cucumbers in lieu of hay to your rabbits could lead to GI stasis, which is caused by a lack of fiber in your rabbit’s diet.
  • Diarrhea: Diarrhea is also possible when rabbit owners overfeed large amounts of cucumbers to their rabbits too fast. Always introduce any new diet to your rabbits slowly.
  • Uneaten cecotropes: Soft uneaten cecotropes are also possible when rabbits are eating large amounts of cucumbers instead of hay. This could lead to softer cecotropes due to the lack of fiber. Also, because of the high water content of cucumbers, overfeeding them could soften your rabbit’s cecotropes, which is usually called “poopy butt”.

Healthy alternatives to cucumbers.

Here are some alternatives to cucumbers that you can give to your rabbits one to two times per week as a treat:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can rabbits eat cucumber skin?

Yes, cucumber skin or peel is safe to be eaten by rabbits as long as your rabbit is old enough and you only give it in moderation.

Can rabbits eat cucumber seeds?

Yes, cucumber seeds are soft and can be eaten by rabbits safely.

Just make sure that you only give it to rabbits that are old enough.

Can rabbits eat cucumber leaves?

Yes, cucumber leaves are safe to be eaten by rabbits.

Due to high levels of nutrients, it’s actually healthier to give cucumber leaves to rabbits than the fruit itself.

Can rabbits eat cucumbers daily?

No, you should consider cucumbers a treat.

Cucumbers should be fed to rabbits only 1-2 times per week in small amounts.


Cucumbers are safe to give to rabbits that are more than 7 months old.

You should also limit the amount of cucumbers you give your rabbits to 1-2 times per week.

Finally, when you notice or suspect your rabbit is having digestive problems, remove cucumbers from their diet and only feed them hay.

Cite this article:

Bunny Horde (January 18, 2025) Can Rabbits Eat Cucumbers? Here’s Why.. Retrieved from
"Can Rabbits Eat Cucumbers? Here’s Why.." Bunny Horde - January 18, 2025,


Image credit – “Must… get… cucumber…” by Joe Carroll is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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By Marjon Ramos

I’ve loved and cared for rabbits since I was 9 years old, and I’m here to share my passion for rabbits. My objective is to help rabbit owners give their rabbits the best life possible.