Last Updated on March 10, 2023 by Marjon Ramos
Quick Facts About Pea Shoots:
- Scientific name – Pisum sativum var. macrocarpon
- Also known as – Pea tendrils, Pea Tips, and Pea sprouts
- Origin – Central Asia
Rabbits can eat pea shoots as a supplement to their fiber rich diet. Pea shoots or the plant that produces peas are actually quite nutritious for rabbits.
Just make sure that your rabbit is not eating pea shoots in lieu of hay. Vegetables like pea shoots should only account for 10% of your rabbit’s diet.
Also, make sure that your rabbit is at least 12 weeks old before you give them any vegetables like pea shoots. Feeding vegetables to rabbits that are less than 12 weeks old could trigger digestive problems.
Finally, if its the first time your giving pea shoots to your rabbit, you should introduce it slowly to determine if it would have any negative effect on your rabbit’s health.
Now that I’ve given you the gist of the article, read on as I explain in more detail why rabbits can eat pea shoots:
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Do rabbits like to eat pea shoots?

Yes, rabbits like eating pea shoots. In fact, several people from rabbit communities have reported that their rabbits loves eating pea shoots.
Here are some quotes from rabbit owners that fed pea shoots to their rabbits:
Louie loves peashoots, I too get the £1 a bag ones from Sainsburys!
My two have pea shoots and love them.
I give Daisy pea shoots and she loves them
Yep! Perfectly safe – my buns get the whole plant when i’m not looking and lean on the bunny fence to reach it – I grow pea plants especially for them in the summer.
As you can see, pea shoots are loved by rabbits. I’ve also asked several of my friends if they ever fed pea shoots to their rabbits. Most of them reported that their rabbits loved eating them.
Are pea shoots safe to be eaten by rabbits?
Pea shoots are perfectly safe to be eaten by rabbits as long as their diet is on point. Your rabbit should still be meeting their required fiber for the day and not be eating pea shoots in lieu of hay.
Also, make sure that your rabbit is at least 12 weeks old before you give them any vegetables like pea shoots. Young rabbits should only eat high fiber foods like hay because they are susceptible to digestive problems that can be fatal to them.
Finally, if its your first time feeding pea shoots to your rabbit, do it slowly. Only feed small amounts to test if your rabbit would not have any negative reactions to it.
What are the benefits of feeding pea shoots to rabbits?
To properly understand the benefits of feeding pea shoots to your rabbits, you can use the nutrient constrain calculator below, which shows the different nutrients your rabbits are getting whenever you feed them pea shoots.
It also shows if the amount you’re giving is within the safe nutritional range: