Can Rabbits Eat Yogurt?

Categorized as Bunny Diet Tagged

Last Updated on March 16, 2023 by Marjon Ramos

While yogurt is not poisonous to rabbits, feeding them large amounts of yogurt could lead to digestive distress like diarrhea, and GI stasis because rabbits don’t tolerate dairy products well.

Yogurt is mostly made out of milk and some kind of fruit as flavor.

While fruits are okay to be fed to rabbits, dairy products would likely give your rabbit some kind of digestive problem.

If you notice any changes in your rabbit’s stool, both in size and consistency, immediately bring your rabbit to a veterinarian.

Now that I’ve given you the gist of the article, read on as I explain in more detail why rabbits can eat yogurt:

Risk of overfeeding yogurt to rabbits.

Dairy products like yogurt should not be fed to rabbits intentionally.

They carry certain risks when fed in large amounts because rabbits’ digestive systems are not really designed to digest dairy as they get older.

Here are some of the risks associated with feeding your rabbits large amounts of yogurt:


Diarrhea in rabbits is often caused by the wrong diet or when their diet is changed too fast. 

Feeding your rabbit large amounts of yogurt would check those two boxes I mentioned.

Not to mention, rabbits develop lactose intolerance as they get older.

Gastrointestinal Stasis

Gastrointestinal stasis is also possible when a rabbit is fed large amounts of yogurt, which is sugar.

GI stasis happens when the balance of bacteria in your rabbit’s gut is disrupted.

This disruption would cause painful gas that would eventually lead to organ failure and death if not treated immediately.

The signs of GI stasis are:

  • Depressed
  • Hunched posture
  • Bruxism
  • Decreased appetite/anorexia

If you notice any of these signs, immediately bring your rabbit to a veterinarian.

Healthy alternative to yogurt as treats.

If you are planning on giving your rabbits yogurt as treats, these alternatives are much healthier.

Here are some alternatives that you can give to your rabbits one to two times per week as a treat:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Should you panic if your rabbit ate a drop of yogurt?

While yogurt is not recommended for rabbits, it’s still not toxic.

It’s just that yogurts are too high in sugar and dairy products are not digested well by rabbits.

If you are worried, just feed them a lot of hay.

The extra fiber would likely fix the problem on its own.

What to do if your rabbit ate yogurt?

Observe their behavior and poop for any changes.

You should also feed them a lot of hay.

The extra fiber would help balance their gut flora.

If you notice any changes in their poop or behavior, consult a veterinarian immediately.


A rabbit that’s fed large amounts of dairy or sugary products like yogurt could develop digestive distress like GI stasis, soft uneaten cecotropes, and diarrhea.

It could also lead to obesity, especially in rabbits who are confined in small cages all day without access to regular exercise.

If your rabbit is exhibiting signs of digestive distress, immediately bring them to a veterinarian.

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By Marjon Ramos

I’ve loved and cared for rabbits since I was 9 years old, and I’m here to share my passion for rabbits. My objective is to help rabbit owners give their rabbits the best life possible.