Rabbits are “crepuscular” creatures, meaning they are most active at dusk and dawn while sleeping in between those hours. On average, rabbits sneak in 8.4–11…
Category: Bunny Facts
Bunny facts are dedicated to giving you the different bits of knowledge you might need to take care of your bunnies properly.
Where Do Rabbits Sleep?
Wild rabbits usually sleep in a hiding hole they dig called a “warren.” Wild rabbits sleep in these holes to be protected from predators and…
How Long Do Rabbits Sleep?
Rabbit’s sleeping duration is similar to humans. In fact, it’s estimated that rabbits sleep for 8.4 -11 hours a day. But, rabbits sleep in small…
Do Rabbits Sleep With Their Eyes Open?
Rabbits can and will sleep with their eyes open when they’re not completely comfortable with their current environment. This is due to the fact that…
Why Do Rabbits Dig Holes Then Fill Them In?
Rabbits dig holes for a variety of reasons. Like when they’re trying to hide from predators, to protect their kits, to hide their food or…
What Does Rabbit Meat Taste Like?
Rabbit meat tastes a lot like chicken due to the fact that both are white meat. The biggest difference between the two is the texture.…
What Is Rabbit Meat Called? Your Questions Answered.
Unlike other animals like cows (beef) and pigs (pork) where there are other names to call them, rabbit meat is simply called “rabbit meat” all…
What To Do With A Dead Rabbit?
The disposal of a dead animal or your pet rabbit would depend on what state you’re in. Some states would require you to use cremation…
How To Tell If Your Rabbit Is Depressed?
The signs that a rabbit is depressed are when they lack appetite, over-or not grooming, lethargy, aggression, pacing, seclusion, and tense posture. The most common…
How To Tell If A Rabbit Is Sleeping?
You can tell that your rabbit is sleeping by looking for the usual signs like no nose twitching, relaxed ears and body, slow breathing, snoring,…