Rabbits pooping everywhere is usually caused by hormonal behaviors due to being unneutered. Unneutered rabbits would start exhibiting territorial behavior like pooping everywhere starting at…
Tag: Rabbit Behavior
How to comfort a dying rabbit?
A dying rabbit can be comforted by providing pain medications, adequate food and water, lots of attention, a comfortable resting place, and keeping your rabbit’s…
Do Rabbits Scream When They Die?
Rabbits’ screaming while dying is likely due to the pain and fear. Rabbits that are suffering from painful diseases would always scream in agony while…
Can Rabbits Die Of Fright?
While it doesn’t happen often, rabbits can die from cardiac arrest induced by being frightened. Wild rabbits usually die of cardiac arrest shortly after being…
Can Rabbits Die Of Loneliness?
While loneliness would not directly kill a rabbit, the symptoms of loneliness could kill a rabbit. Loss of appetite is one of the symptoms of…
How To Convince Your Parents To Get A Bunny?
You can convince your parents to get a bunny by knowing your parents’ reason for why they’re against it. You can then formulate a plan…
Can You Domesticate A Wild Rabbit?
Domesticating a wild rabbit should be a last-ditch effort to save the rabbit. Wild rabbits are hard to take care of because their natural instinct…
Do rabbits sleep? What You Need To Know.
Rabbits are “crepuscular” creatures, meaning they are most active at dusk and dawn while sleeping in between those hours. On average, rabbits sneak in 8.4–11…
Where Do Rabbits Sleep?
Wild rabbits usually sleep in a hiding hole they dig called a “warren.” Wild rabbits sleep in these holes to be protected from predators and…
How Long Do Rabbits Sleep?
Rabbit’s sleeping duration is similar to humans. In fact, it’s estimated that rabbits sleep for 8.4 -11 hours a day. But, rabbits sleep in small…