Will Two Male Rabbits Fight? 4 things you need to know.

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Last Updated on February 24, 2023 by Marjon Ramos

If you’re thinking of getting a companion for your rabbits, you might have asked the topic of this article.

Is it okay to get two male rabbits? Will the two male rabbits fight?

To save you some time, here’s the answer:

Yes, two male rabbits would definitely fight each other if both or one of them was not neutered. Rabbits need social order and boundaries. They will protect and fight other rabbits if someone enters their personal space.

That’s why it’s always recommended to get your rabbit neutered to tone down those aggressive hormonal and territorial behaviors. Hormonal and territorial behaviors can start once both rabbits hit puberty.

So if you’re planning on getting two male rabbits, get them neutered as early as possible.

Will two male siblings rabbit fight?

Will two male siblings rabbit fight?

Two male rabbits who are brothers would never fight and would be inseparable when they are young. But after they reach puberty, around 3 to 4 months, the fighting will start because of their hormones.

There’s a high chance that even two male rabbits from the same litter will still fight once they hit puberty. You can reduce the chance of fighting by neutering both rabbits.

Do not get two male rabbits if you are not prepared to separate them in separate cages if they start fighting, even if they are brothers.

What are the reasons why two male rabbits will fight?

What are the reasons why two male rabbits will fight?

Your rabbits are not neutered.

The number one reason why two male rabbits fight is because of hormone related aggression. This usually happens when one or both rabbits are not neutered.

Unneutered rabbits are very territorial. They will often have an outburst of hormone-related aggression.

This usually happens if they feel that the other male rabbit is entering their territory.

The male rabbit is territorial.

If there’s one thing you can count on when owning two male rabbits, it’s that they will be territorial at some point. Rabbits, especially male rabbits, need their own personal space.

If you’re planning on keeping two rabbits in one space, even if they are brothers, make sure that your place is big enough for them to have their own personal space.

The male rabbit is in pain.

Another reason why a rabbit might be fighting is that they’re in pain. Rabbits that are sick or in pain are more aggressive and territorial.

Always check your rabbit for any missing fur or open wounds. You should also check for any abnormalities in their teeth.

What can you do to stop two male rabbits from fighting?

What can you do to stop two male rabbits from fighting?

First, get both rabbits neutered before trying to keep them together. This would calm down your rabbit’s hormones. Unneutered male rabbits have a high chance of fighting once they hit puberty.

Then, give both rabbits enough space to have their own private area. Keep in mind that male rabbits are very territorial in their personal spaces. Keeping both rabbits in a cramped cage will make their territorial instinct kick in.

Can two male rabbits kill each other by fighting?

Can two male rabbits kill each other from fighting?

Yes, two male rabbits can fight to the death if both of them are unneutered. This actually happens a lot to rabbit breeders who don’t have enough space to separate male rabbits.

The end result of two rabbits fighting can be quite gruesome and bloody.

A typical injury from rabbits fighting includes:

  • Shredded ears
  • Shredded nose
  • Missing fur
  • Gashed eye
  • And in some cases, death.

Make sure you get both rabbits neutered before attempting to introduce them to each other. Or even better, get a male and a female neutered rabbit.


Two male rabbits would definitely fight if both or one of them was not neutered. This is because unneutered rabbits are extremely territorial and often have outbursts of aggressive hormonal behavior.

These aggressive hormonal behaviors will start when the rabbits hit puberty. So make sure that you get them neutered before that.

Also, even male rabbits from the same litter or brothers could still fight if both or one of them is not neutered. Although lower than with unrelated male rabbits, the risk is still high enough that neutering is still encouraged.

There are two things you can do to stop your two male rabbits from fighting. One is to get them neutered and to separate them and give them their personal space.

Cite this article:

Bunny Horde (March 7, 2025) Will Two Male Rabbits Fight? 4 things you need to know.. Retrieved from https://bunnyhorde.com/will-two-male-rabbits-fight/.
"Will Two Male Rabbits Fight? 4 things you need to know.." Bunny Horde - March 7, 2025, https://bunnyhorde.com/will-two-male-rabbits-fight/
Bunny Horde March 8, 2021 Will Two Male Rabbits Fight? 4 things you need to know.., viewed March 7, 2025,<https://bunnyhorde.com/will-two-male-rabbits-fight/>
Bunny Horde - Will Two Male Rabbits Fight? 4 things you need to know.. [Internet]. [Accessed March 7, 2025]. Available from: https://bunnyhorde.com/will-two-male-rabbits-fight/
"Will Two Male Rabbits Fight? 4 things you need to know.." Bunny Horde - Accessed March 7, 2025. https://bunnyhorde.com/will-two-male-rabbits-fight/
"Will Two Male Rabbits Fight? 4 things you need to know.." Bunny Horde [Online]. Available: https://bunnyhorde.com/will-two-male-rabbits-fight/. [Accessed: March 7, 2025]

Sources and further reading

  • Buseth, Marit Emilie., and Richard A. Saunders. Rabbit Behaviour, Health, and Care. CABI, 2014.
  • Lebas, F. The Rabbit: Husbandry, Health, and Production. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1997.
  • Patry, Karen, et al. The Rabbit-Raising Problem Solver: Your Questions Answered about Housing, Feeding, Behavior, Health Care, Breeding, and Kindling. Storey Publishing, 2014.
  • Bonding rabbits
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  • Pairing up Rabbits (Bonding)

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By Marjon Ramos

I’ve loved and cared for rabbits since I was 9 years old, and I’m here to share my passion for rabbits. My objective is to help rabbit owners give their rabbits the best life possible.