Can Rabbits Eat Guava? Here’s Why.

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Last Updated on March 9, 2023 by Marjon Ramos

Quick Facts About Guava:

  • Scientific name – Psidium guajava
  • Also known as – Psidium guajava, yellow guava, lemon guava, or apple guava.
  • Origin – Southern Mexico into or through Central America
  • Most commonly found in Thailand, Mexico, and the Netherlands.
  • Average weight – 55g

Guava is safe to be eaten by rabbits as long as your rabbit is old enough (at least 7 months old) and you only give it in moderation, or 2 times per week.

The only way guava would harm your rabbits is if you feed them large amounts of guava in lieu of hay or if you feed them to young rabbits whose gut is sensitive to sugar.

Now that I’ve given you the gist of the article, read on as I explain in more detail why rabbits can eat guava:

Would rabbits intentionally eat guavas?

Yes, your rabbits would intentionally eat guava if you gave them some.

Guavas contain sugar, and as we know, rabbits love sugar.

We’ve also asked a few rabbit owners about this, and all of those who have guava in their country reported seeing their rabbits eating guava.

Is guava safe to be eaten by rabbits?

Yes, guava is safe to be eaten by rabbits as long as your rabbits are old enough (at least 7 months old) and you only give it in small amounts 2 times per week.

What are the benefits of feeding guava to rabbits?

Two raw guava


Guavas contain small amounts of vitamins A, E, and B6. It also contains small amounts of protein and fiber.

In order for you to properly understand the benefits of feeding guava to your rabbits, you can use the nutrient constrain calculator for rabbits to see how much and what nutrients your rabbit is getting and whether or not the amount you’re giving is within the nutrient constrain:

Nutrient Constrain Calculator For Rabbits