Do Rabbits Fart? Here’s the answer.

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Last Updated on March 10, 2023 by Marjon Ramos

Rabbits fart quietly and without any odor, which is why rabbit owners frequently wonder why their rabbits never fart.

However, rabbits, like humans, fart. They need to because gas build-ups in rabbits are painful and uncomfortable.

Diets that are high in carbs and sugar would also lead to more gas build-ups.

Now that I’ve given you the gist of the article, read on as I explain in more detail why rabbits fart:

Why do rabbits fart?

Rabbit farting in a green grass

Rabbits fart for the same reason we do: to release gas buildups that would otherwise cause pain and discomfort.

A healthy rabbit would fart from time to time, just like us humans.

Rabbits pass their gas because not doing so could lead to pain.

Rabbits that are in pain would likely stop eating.

A rabbit that’s not eating can develop digestive conditions that can be fatal if not treated.

Rabbits’ diets are the main factor that could affect how much fart they produce.

As an example, rabbits that are on a high-carb, low-fiber diet could lead to a condition called GI stasis.

GI stasis is caused by an imbalance of bacteria in your rabbit’s digestive tract.

When this happens, your rabbit’s digestive system would favor the growth of gas-producing bacteria that would lead to more and painful gas.

When should you be concerned?

While farting is a natural digestive process in rabbits, it can be a sign of digestive problems if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Reduced appetite
  • Any changes in your rabbits’ poop.
  • Loud teeth grinding or any unusual sounds
  • Lethargy
  • Hunched or bloated appearance

You should call your veterinarian if you see any of these symptoms. They can give you a proper diagnosis.

What causes gas in rabbits?

Gas buildup in rabbits can be caused by stress, a low-fiber/high-carb diet, and dehydration.

In most cases, gas buildup in rabbits is caused by feeding them the wrong kind of diet or a diet that is high in sugar or carbs.

Large amounts of high-carb vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale while feeding low amounts of fiber (hay) could lead to gas buildup.

Stress could also lead to gas build-ups, especially in rabbits that are confined to small cages all day without exercise.

Lack of social interaction with other rabbits could also make them feel lonely and stressed, which is why it is often recommended to get a pair of rabbits.

Can rabbits die of gas?

Excessive gas build-up in rabbits would be extremely uncomfortable and painful for your rabbits.

This, in turn, would lead to a reduced appetite, which would then lead to GI stasis.

Gastrointestinal stasis can be fatal to rabbits within 24 hours.

That’s why it’s important to feed your rabbit the right diet and always be on the lookout for its symptoms.

What to do if your rabbits have gas?

If your rabbit is just farting, then it’s completely normal.

But, if the farting is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Low appetite
  • Changes in their stool
  • Lethargy
  • Bloating
  • Loud teeth grinding

Then it’s time to take your rabbit to a rabbit-savvy veterinarian.

You can also try gently massage your rabbit’s stomach to help them pass all the gas built up in their body.

You massage their stomach by gently pushing on your rabbit’s stomach in a circular motion.

Here’s a great video on how to properly massage your rabbit’s stomach:

How to stop your rabbits from farting?

Physically, you can not prevent your rabbits from farting.

What you can do is to find out what’s causing the gas in the first place.

Stress, dehydration, and a bad diet could lead to increased farting.

A high-fiber diet and limiting the amount of treats you give would often solve your rabbit’s gas problem.

You should also avoid high-carb vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale.

These vegetables are known to cause gas buildup.

As for stress, you can look for symptoms of stressed rabbits like aggressiveness, nervousness, lethargy, over-or not-grooming, and lack of appetite.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Do rabbits’ farts smell?

No, most of the time, rabbit farts are odorless.

Although certain diets like too much carbs or sugar could lead to an increased smell in their farts.

Rabbits that are fed high-fiber foods like hay have scentless farts.

Do rabbits fart a lot?

It depends on the rabbit. Rabbits that are having digestive problems due to gas buildups will fart more than usual.

Do rabbits fart loudly?

Rabbit farts are silent. But sometimes you might hear your rabbits fart if the passing gas is large enough, just like us humans.


Rabbits are capable of farting. It’s just that it’s odorless and silent, so rabbit owners aren’t aware of it.

If your rabbits are farting a lot and you can hear it, bring your rabbit to a veterinarian if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy and lack of appetite.

Dangerous digestive problems such as GI stasis are caused by a build-up of gas.

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Bunny Horde (October 22, 2024) Do Rabbits Fart? Here’s the answer.. Retrieved from
"Do Rabbits Fart? Here’s the answer.." Bunny Horde - October 22, 2024,

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By Marjon Ramos

I’ve loved and cared for rabbits since I was 9 years old, and I’m here to share my passion for rabbits. My objective is to help rabbit owners give their rabbits the best life possible.